Bauer Human-Centered AI Lab

Li qiang

Former MemberWilfrid Laurier University


Qiang Li is currently an assistant professor in the Lazaridis School of Business & Economics at Wilfrid Laurier University. He received his Ph.D. in Supply Chain Management from Rutgers University. Qiang has broad research interests in areas related to empirical study, causal inference, and artificial intelligence operations. His research has appeared or is under review in elite journals such as Management Science, Information Systems Research, and Production and Operations Management. Dr. Li’s research has been recognized by various prizes such as the 2021 MSOM SIG Best Paper Competition in Service Management and the 2019 INFORMS Junior Faculty Interest Group (JFIG) Paper Competition and has been covered by major media, including the Harvard Business Review China, the INFORMS Resoundingly Human Podcast Series, the Robin Report, among others.

Li qiang's papers